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Repost: RFK Jr.’s History Lesson On How The U.S. Provoked The Ukraine War


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They Did Not Need to Die

Why is understanding the roots of the Ukrainian conflict important?

It is recommended to watch the RFK Jr. analysis in the blog post beneath this one.

He explains it, but he is not the only voice that explains this.  There are those in the alternative media who have talked about this, but their voices have been drowned out by the fake news.

However, due to the fact that  fake news is beginning to be taken down due to the current administration, we can now look at the fact that the cry has been “Russia, Russia, Russia” when a scapegoat was needed.

It’s a modern day version of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” but in this case it has been the Deep State and related forces that have cried “Russia” for agendas of their own.

It is primarily because of Russia’s restraint prior to President Trump’s acknowledged election win this time that we are not in WW III because the West has lied, broken its agreements, been a covenant breaker, and provoked a war that has put money in the pockets of armaments makers as well as others.

Romans 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, ….

Added to this,  over time there has been a linking of Russia to  Ezekiel 38 and 39 to Russia.   Modern scholarship considers that that idea has “fallen out of favor” and makes connections elsewhere.

That background of a misappropriated link with Russia was some of the soil that made it possible for so many billions to be sent to war without a peep of resistance on the part of many.  Even if some knew better, if they told the truth and population was ignorant, they would be booed or voted out of office.

It is only due to immense popularity of the current administration that finally some truth is being applied to the situation and things are changing.

But when the fake news prevailed, it was sending the world towards WW III and there are still holdovers that don’t understand the history which is why it is important to understand the roots of the Ukrainian situation.

To destroy the lies we have to look at them and recognize them and no longer go along with them.  Lies about Ukraine have been profitable for certain entities and individuals.  The average Ukrainian citizen was used as cannon fodder for the nefarious forces behind the scenes.

“No one needed to die.”

There is a lot of cry for revival.

This is my opinion, but the fact is, you can’t live on two sides of the fence.  If you are pro-the Ukraine war, you are actually backing neo-Nazis as various ones have pointed out.  Again, this is not the average citizen, but other forces mixed in withe Ukrainian conflict.

The Nazis were fought in WWII.


The Nazis killed the Jews.  Many Christians are pro-Israel.  But if they are pro-Ukraine they are ultimately backing some neo-Nazi  forces.  This is not referring to the average Ukrainian citizen.  But it is referring to other forces operating within the Ukraine that have been called neo-Nazis.   This is a conflict of logic.  But some may not realize this due to the fake news and a covering up of history.

A double-minded man (or nation) is unstable in all his (its) ways.

And the question is, until a massive overwhelming amount of the Christian church overall recogjnizes the error of its ways in backing the corruption in Ukraine and being anti-Russia, will God bring revival to a church that geopolitically can’t get its head on straight?

If anything good has come out lately, it is regarding the revelation of how much corruption there has been in the United States and how US tax dollars have gone to fund revolutions, terrorists, and things most Americans had no clue about.  We are seeing the tip of the iceberg.  There is more to come.  There will be shocking revelations.

But back to Ukraine.  How does this fit in with the prayer for revival?

I personally don’t think that there will be a massive long-standing revival unless we get our geopolitics straight.

Would God want more Christians who are ignorant politically and who end up backing the wrong side due to ignorance?  There was ignorance on the part of the Christian church in WW II and they became part of the problem.

This is now common knowledge, there is even a movie about it … in WW II the Christian church was behind the times in recognizing the danger of the rise of Hitler.  Theologian Dietrich Bonnhöeffer, and also Pastor Martin Niemöller, recognized the problem; the mass of the church did not until it was too late.

We do not need to repeat that mistake in this generation.  We don’t need to side with the wrong side of history.

However, if we choose to be ignorant, and side with the fake news, that danger exists.

Christians have it right regarding the necessity of being born again.  But geopolitically, there is some ignorance.

Archbishop Vigano most effectively understand and articlulates how what we call the Deep State and wokness blends with the powers or darkness and satan and how the battle against these forces is a spiritual battle as well as a natural one.

It would be good for all denominations to come to the same level of awareness.

The pot can’t call the kettle black.  Denominations have been infiltrated and need to be cleaned up more or less.  Ignorance and knowledge exist side by side.

The nation state is something that God recognizes.  There will be the nations of them that are saved.  We have to honor the nation state.

If the Christian church wants revival, I personally believe that this “Russia, Russia, Russia” mantra has to go away.  Otherwise, it is a chink in the armor of revival.

I don’t believe that I’m the only one who believes this, but as the lesson is in “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, only the little boy who was not one of the king’s men and who did not have a vested interest in saying that the emperor was naked, could have the freedom to tell the truth.

Written by Cheryl Jones.  I am the administrator of the blog and normally repost things that are well spoken by others, but  once in a while write something  as an agreement with others of a similar mindset.



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Repost: RFK Jr.’s History Lesson On How The U.S. Provoked The Ukraine War

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