
Important Message from Marjorie Taylor Greene (R – GA)




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Repeat rePost from TBN: Franklin Graham, Dr. Phil, Mike Huckabee: Christians Could CHANGE THE WORLD if They Did This! | TBN

This has been posted before and it is worth repeating for those who missed it.  Share this post with those whom you think will be willing to listen to the message.  It is vital to have a landslide of votes to overcome the numerous ways cheating takes place. People need to understand the stakes and be activated to vote.

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Repost from LifeSiteNews re: Archbishop Viganò Endorses Trump and Gives Reasons Why

If you read Archbishop Viganò’s open letter, as always, he is very articulate, extremely articulate and well-versed on both the spiritual and natural aspects of the current situation.

The position of millions of Christians sitting out the election is untenable if you read his letter.  It won’t matter if you are a Catholic or not … his argument is valid, needs to be listened to, and acted upon, whether you are Catholic or not.

You have to give honor where honor is due and he is probably the premier religious leader capable of articulating what is currently happening, or to rephrase that, does articulate it.  There may be others, but I haven’t seen an open letter to match the “more than one letter” Archbishop Viganò  has written over time.

In WWII there were only a couple of religious leaders who stood up early to Hitler.   One was Bonhoeffer, a familiar name.  The other was Niemoller, perhaps not so familiar.  He had a poem, First They Came, that could be rephrased to reflect the current groups of this time.

President Trump would say, “They are not coming after me, they are coming after you, and I just happen to be standing in their way.”  He was right.

For this election to be won, the huge rallies are not an indication of success.  It takes everyone who attends a rally and every one who does not to vote this country back to the Constitution and rule of law, and vote for those candidates who want to return the country to its roots instead of away from them.

Give no place to the devil by not voting.





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The Phrase “God’s Got This” – Let’s Define That

In any discussion, any serious discussion, you start with a definition of terms.

“God’s Got This” is one I don’t like as it seems to throw responsibility on God.

What does it mean, “God’s Got This”?

Is it all God’s responsibility?

Sometimes there is something God wants us to do before He can do His part.

Would the Red Sea have parted if Moses had not obeyed and lifted his rod?

Would Goliath have fallen if David had not gone after him with a sling?

Would the Jews have been saved if Esther did not approach the king?

Would the five loaves and fishes been multiplied if the little boy did not give them?

Why does the Bible say, “Whom will I send, and who will go for us? (Isaiah 6:8)” if the Lord did not need someone to do something. God is in heaven. We are on earth. If you see Jesus Christ voting in person at any voting booth in the country, please email me the picture. As far as I know, there are things we must do, and one of those is vote.

There are a lot of if…then clauses in the Bible. Read the fine print.

For example, if you want to prosper, start with a foundation of tithing. God is not a slot machine.

But back to the election …in regards to the election, at this point it is well known that millions of Christians sit out elections.

If a Christian who is sitting out is saying “God’s Got This” so I don’t need to vote … where is Jesus? In your heart? Is it Christ in you the hope of glory? Are you the hands and feet of Jesus?  Have you been born again by the spirit of the living God?  If so, where does He dwell?  Within you?  So is part of “God’s got this” the Holy Spirit within believers working through believers to bring something to pass?

Then go to the poll and vote as Christ in you would have you vote.  Vote for the Constitution, rule of law, Bill of Rights, family, life, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, Second Amendment and against dictators.

If you care about the gospel, you have to vote against what has happened the last four years. Because if the nation turns communist, how many evangelical works are easily sent out from Communist countries? If you care about the gospel, you have to care about government, as government will either help or hinder the gospel going out.


Because of the various ways the election can be stolen, it is imperative that every person who can vote, do so.


Christians must vote.

Catholics must vote.

Jewish people must vote.

And I see that the Arab American Muslims have figured out that Donald J. Trump is the better candidate and they are voting for him.  Good for them.

You may not agree 100% with the most conservative candidates.

But if you don’t vote, you’ve given your vote to the other side and do you think they are seriously better?

This is not a neutral game.

By default, you side with the aggressors against the Constitution, Christianity, religious freedom, the Bill of Rights and life and families if you don’t vote.  Do you want to look your children and grandchildren and descendants in the face and tell them that you were part of the reason why a dictatorship is taking over the nation?  You can call it communism, globalism, the Deep State, perversion, or satanism…aspects of all of those things apply.  We can look at the fruit of it, the outcome, whatever the title and Jesus said to judge by the fruit.  Do you want that for them?  Or don’t you care if kick the can down the road and leave problems for your posterity to deal with?

And if you want perverts to be elected to office then don’t ask why and complain if a man goes into the restroom or locker room of your little granddaughter.  It’s up to you to stand in the gap by voting.

You’ve been warned.

John, the one disciple who stood at the cross with Jesus, is the only one who died a peaceful death.

Stand at the cross. Vote for life, liberty, and the right to preach the gospel.

Matthew 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.


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