
The War on Children


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The Window is Closing for Christians to Register to Vote

window closing

Image credit:  Photo by Mari Madriz on Unsplash

As the election day draws near, the window is closing for Christians to register to vote.  It is becoming more well known that many millions of Christians are either not registered to vote, or did not vote in the last election.

There are those who say, “God’s got this” and who expect the election to turn out a certain way regardless of whether they vote or not.  If that is true, then why are we experiencing the current situation which … in all likelihood … might not exist if millions more Christians had voted.  If “God’s got this” now, why didn’t God operate in the “God’s got this” mode in 2020?

Dominion of the earth was given to man in Genesis.  That included dominion over creeping and crawling things.  The serpent was walking or crawling before he was consigned to slithering (Genesis 3:14), but in any case, he was under the dominion of Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:26-28), except they did not take that dominion.  They obeyed the serpent, who had been cast out of heaven (Revelation 12:9); Adam and Eve turned the godship of the world, with a little “g”, the rulership of the world, their authority over the earth to the serpent whom the Bible calls “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Jesus by his life, death, burial, and resurrection purchased back authority and gives it to his believing followers.  But disciplined believers still have to operate it.  “The Lord working with them, confirming the word with signs following” (Mark 16:20).  It does NOT say “they working with the Lord”, but that is how it is portrayed often.  Responsibility that belongs to man is often thrown on God and then God is blamed when results are not forthcoming.

It’s always good to check the operating instructions or the operating manual if something does not work.  When it comes to man and God, God will not fail so if there is failure, it has to be on our part somewhere.  Prayer, reading the Bible, and seeking the Lord will help one discover the problem.

If you study scripture from the Old Testament to the New Testament, man, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, takes a step and then God acts.  God acted sovereignly in the creation of the earth, but then since the Fall, God uses the obedience of a man or woman to be the initiating spark so to speak and then God fulfills his Word with signs following.  One example would be Moses.  Moses had to stretch out his rod before the Red Sea parted (Exodus 14:21).  David had to sling a stone before Goliath fell (I Samuel 17:49).

We “wait for God” but actually, God “waits for us”.

With voting, Jesus is not going to vote for us.  If we don’t vote, that vote goes unvoted, and becomes a potential for fraud.

The window is closing on Christians being able to register to vote.  States have laws about how close to the election someone can register to vote.  If  you are a legal citizen, the window is closing on when you can register.  If you are illegal … well … not so much.  And we definitely should be concerned about election fraud and report it where known so it can be addressed legally.  Because if the election is stolen by various means and not contested, did we care and should we have any better than what we get if we do not care about legal outcomes?  It all comes back to us.  It makes us lawless if we don’t care about election law being followed.

There is a discussion on whether or not there is or can be judgement on the United States.  I think the way words are commonly used is a misnomer and leads to confusion.

In other words, if you jump off of a 8 inch step and successfully land on your feet, you were not judged as doing something crazy, as 8 inches is a reasonable distance.  If you jump off of an 80 foot building (don’t do it), you will splat on the sidewalk below.  You might say that the law of gravity judged your actions as foolish.  We don’t say, God judged a person for jumping off of an 80 foot building.  We don’t invoke God in that case.

If you drive over the speed limit, you might get pulled over.  The police officer might write a ticket or give a warning.  We don’t say the speed limit judged the person.  The authority who enforces the law, in this case, the officer, made a judgement.

There is a scripture, if we judge ourselves we will not be judged (I Corinthians 11:31).

In other words, if you look at the speedometer and decide you are going too fast and slow down, then you don’t get judged.  But you are the final judge of what happens more than the police officer, he stands in as secondary if you can’t figure it out on your own.

In like case, there are many things a nation should or should not do.  We can figure it out and adjust accordingly.  Will God judge the nation?  Laws that are in effect go into effect when they are broken.   Spiritual laws go into effect when they are broken. God is not mocked.  Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap (Galatians 6:7).

If we break a law of sowing and reaping, does God judge us?  Or did we refuse to judge ourselves?

We live in a nation that is government “of the people”.  If the people refuse to register to vote, and vote correctly, will God judge the nation?  Or will the people judge themselves unworthy of a better government?


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Everything below beyond my comment is quoted from the internet search.

I guess Google AI or someone who programs Google AI does not like the word “Saint”. I had to do a little writing and find the capital of Minnesota.

search term: “what is the capital of minnesota”

This was the result. AI dropped the Saint. Will this be a trend? What will be changed next? And, this was changed “5 days ago” (at the time of this writing). Who changed it?

“Saint Paul
Paul, city, capital of Minnesota, U.S., and seat of Ramsey county. Situated in the southeastern part of the state, St. Paul is at the head of navigation on the Mississippi River near its confluence with the Minnesota River.5 days ago”

search term: “is Paul MN the same as St. Paul MN”

“AI Overview
Learn more

No, “Paul MN” is not the same as “St. Paul MN”; “St. Paul” is the full name of the city, with “St” standing for “Saint”, so when people say “Paul MN” they are simply abbreviating “St. Paul MN”. ”

search term: “is st. paul mn the capital of minnesota”

“Saint Paul, Minnesota

Wikipedia › wiki › Saint_Paul,_Minnesota
is st. paul mn the capital of minnesota from
Saint Paul (often abbreviated St. Paul) is the capital of the U.S. state of Minnesota and the county seat of Ramsey County.”

It should be pointed out that if definitions and geography can be changed over time, this has legal ramifications. It is likely that none of this ever happens by accident or because someone is bored and has nothing better to do. There is a long-term strategy when changes are made.

Quoted from the AI, “No, “Paul MN” is not the same as “St. Paul MN”;”

The definitions keep changing so the game can keep going, E.g., global cooling … global warming … climate change … climate science.

How can these kinds of tiny manipulations be used by AI?

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