Comment to the Above Post

It is worth adding to the above that President Trump did not have to do what he did in running for President.  His life is an example of denying himself, taking up the cross and following Jesus.  He could have spent his years in retirement instead of working continually on behalf of the United States, and in a larger way, working to bring peace and stability to the world, all the while  exposing himself to all the legal battles and other afflictions sent his way.  Beyond that, he takes time to be concerned about individual citizens.

He is a prime example of someone who uses his talents in an unselfish way.  Again, he could be playing golf on his multiple courses instead of doing all this.  He could spend his life in any way he desires as he has the talent and money to do that.  Instead, he serves this nation.  He also attempts to use the unique talents of others as he delegates to trained individuals.  What other Christian virtues do people want when they question him?

He takes the ethics of Jesus outside of the four walls of the church.  He seeks to deal with the roots of problems.  Commendably, the churches help feed and clothe the homeless and have programs for those who are addicted.  But if you stop the flow of evil in high places, the system rigged by the Deep State and corruption will no longer operate to “spit out” so many broken lives.  The globalists have permitted the church to deal with problems just so long as the money laundering operations are not touched.  President Trump is dealing with problems in a root cause way.

Cheryl Jones, blog admin

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