Archbishop Vigano

Repost from TheGatewayPundit re: Archbishop Vigano’s Statement

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Statement on Assassination Attempt on President Donald Trump: We Are Deeply Grateful to Our Lord Who Saved This Brave Warrior”





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Repost: Archbishop Vigano Warns of Pope’s Role in the Great Reset

Before the pot calls the kettle black, it is good to consider if similar freemason type forces gain control within protestant or “other-than-Catholic” church organizations or boards, thus hindering the actual work of the church by a counter-measure of anti-Christ spirit.  And also, it is good to consider if CIA influences meld with protestant prophetic voices in order to encourage believers to back war in Ukraine and other places.

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Repost from TheGatewayPundit re: Mel Gibson’s Open Letter

Mel Gibson Writes Open Letter in Support to Archbishop Viganò: Excommunication by Pope Francis “Is Like a Badge of Honor”


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Repost from TheGatewayPundit: Archbishop Viganò Clearly Explains the Agenda of the Globalists

Archbishop Viganò Denounces Globalist Elite’s ‘Coup d’état’ at National Congress: A Call for Resistance Against New World Order

“You may wonder why an Archbishop would consider it necessary to address issues that apparently have no relation to the Faith. I think that, after the past few years, it has now become clear that we are facing an epochal attack, the aim of which is the establishment of a synarchy presided over by the Antichrist.”


Regardless of your demoninational background, it is definitely worth reading his complete statement.  He is one of the few religious leaders with clear awareness of what is happening in the nations.




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Repost from TheGatwayPundit: Archbishop Vigano Calls for Swiss Guard to Arrest Pope Francis

Archbishop Viganò Calls for Swiss Guards to Arrest Pope Francis and Cardinal Responsible for Pornograhic Book


My comment:

Archbishop Vigano, like Archbishop Fulton Sheen before him, understands the infiltration of the Catholic Church, and to his credit, consistently stands against these forces.  He has also consistently stood against the globalist agenda worldwide.

Lest other denominations think this is solely a Catholic problem, it might be that some of the forces that have influenced the church’s message, and preached cessationism, might also be an infiltration, just of another kind … AI or some other force, perhaps freemasonry, perhaps freemasons sitting on some church boards and stifling the churches.

“Let him that is without sin among you cast the first stone” and let not the pot call the kettle black.



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Repost from LifeSite News: Arbishop Vigano


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