Consistency and Single-Mindedness

James 3:11 Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?

12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.


The best results in anything is when there is consistency and single-mindedness of purpose. There can be situations where two objectives are working against each other and the question is, will this produce the best results?

The anti-semitism of the Nazis was decried as evil in WWII. A war was fought to defeat Nazism. And like the Flood at the time of Noah, which cleansed the earth of overwhelming evil for a season, Nazism was removed from public view for a while, only to resurface. There are anti-Jewish riots on college campuses.

The church is sending in evangelists to address that situation because it is only with a change of heart through the new birth that there can be real change.

And those efforts are good and necessary.

At the same time, money is being sent to Ukraine to fund neo-Nazis. Putin/Russia has said that neo-Nazism is an element of this war.  Nazi symbols have been found.

This is not something the fake news will talk about, but there is a lot they don’t talk about, like the stolen 2020 election. So silence on the part of the fake news should come as no surprise.

Can the best results be expected when there is a dichotomy between the church standing against anti-semitism through evangelism, but not standing against the funding of Ukraine and the neo-Nazism and corruption there?

Added to that is the consideration that at a national level, if there is a sowing into neo-Nazism by backing the war in Ukraine, should we be surprised at an increase of anti-Semitism on our college campuses?  If we preach and believe in sowing and reaping, then we have to look at how it might be operating at a national level.

Along the same lines, there are efforts for evangelism at the southern border.  That is good.  But when those of the illegal invasion are converted, they need to go back to the nation they came from.  Conversion into the kingdom of God does not change the status of illegal immigration.  And if you allow 22 million illegals, (which is the last figure I read or heard somewhere), into the nation to vote illegally, and overturn the Constitution, then you permit the overturn of religious freedom.  That has the domino effect of working against or stopping the spreading of the gospel, at least in the free flow measure it has occurred under the protection of the Bill of Rights.

Daniel 2:34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.


In the vision Daniel interpreted, of which the above scripture is only a small part, the vision dealt with physical kingdoms and empires, not spiritual only. The message may have been given in spiritual symbols, but those symbols represented concrete physical kingdoms.

We cannot spiritually deal with Nazism though gospel evangelism, while funding Neo-Nazis in the Ukraine.

We cannot spiritually deal with the illegal invasion at the border only through evangelism, without insisting that those who are illegal return home and attempt to come back through a legal process if they so desire. To flood the nation with illegals who will be permitted to vote due to lax voting laws and rampant election theft is to allow the destruction of religious freedom.

James 3:11 Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?

12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.



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