climate change

Comments on AI and ChatGPT

ChatGPT is energy hungry.

People discuss the carbon footprint in relation to ChatGPT.  In my opinion, that is measuring the wrong metric to hide the real question, which is energy usage.  If you measure an unimportant statistic and try to make that statistic “a big deal” you miss the real information.

Those who want green energy investments focus on carbon footprints.  They also focus on the so-called dangers of carbon.  Maybe they missed the second grade science class that explains that plants need carbon dioxide to breathe out the oxygen which humans breathe in; humans breathe in oxygen to live.  In return, humans breathe out carbon dioxide which plants breathe in; plants use carbon dioxide in photosynthesis which results in oxygen for humans.  It’s a good arrangement .

I don’t know in what year they quit teaching about the carbon dioxide and oxygen cycle and replaced it with teaching transgenderism, but surely there are readers out there who remember those lessons prior to woke elementary school.

Carbon dioxide is necessary.  If we listen to those who are anti-carbon, they would remove the means of oxygen production in the earth and then human beings could not breathe in oxygen and live.  Talk about genocide … that is the ultimate genocidal plan.

The real dangers to the climate and atmosphere are caused by HAARP  and chemtrails.  Extensive information is here:

The whole “end of the world” “climate change” scenario is flawed.  As a tactic, the messaging has changed from from global cooling to climate change to global warming.  “Climate change end-of-the-world” scenarios are used as a scare tactic to try to get the masses to cede power to politicians, corporations, and oligarchs.

While those who strategize like this fly in private jets, they want your cars and gas stoves as they feed their private jets and ChatGPT AI systems.

The real dangers to the climate and atmosphere are caused by HAARP  and chemtrails.  Extensive information is here:

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