Voting and Covenant

In typical church preaching, a lot of focus is given, rightly, to what Jesus did on the cross and the provision for redemption he gave and continues to give.

It is called the New Covenant.

Not as much attention is given to responsibilities under the covenant.

In a covenant, in modern terminoology, two parties agreed to “have each other’s back”.

The enemy of one became the enemy of another.

So it is not possible to simply focus on the “good stuff” one party brings to the table without considering responsibilities on behalf of that party

In this nation, atheistic, woke, transgender, socialist, communist, globalist, swamp, Deep State, pedophilic agendas are the enemy of the Word of God and God’s principles.

Therefore, as covenant partners, it is necessary to do our part in standing against those agendas.  One part is to pray.  The other is to vote.


Blinders and Covenant

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